[¿µ¾î·Î ¹è¿ì´Â ¿ì¸® ¹®È­ Fun&Easy Guide: Korea] The battle of Maesoseong Fortress
À¯Á¤Èñ ±¹Á¦±³·ù¹®È­ÁøÈï¿øÀå ÀÔ·Â : 2017.06.20 09:37

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(While changing rooms in the War Memorial Hall)


We have been learning about the three kingdoms up until now, but the next room concerns only the Shilla kingdom. Why did Shilla become so important?


Actually, after Goguryeo and Baekje collapsed, the Chinese Tang Empire fought with Shilla for the control of the Korean peninsula. Tang wanted to extend its power to Korea and it launched military attacks upon Shilla.


And then what happened? Did Shilla manage to push back the Tang armies?


Shilla defeated 200,000 Tang soldiers at the Maesoseong fortress and at the same time destroyed Tang's naval forces in the Yellow Sea. The Tang then gave up the idea of occupying the Korean peninsula.


In that case, if Shilla was the only victor, why does it say the North South States Period?


Because Balhae emerged in the old terrain of Goguryeo. Balhae prospered in the North, while most of today's Korea was unified for the first time under the Shilla kingdom. During this period, the society stabilized and the economy and the cultural exchanges expanded. Also, this was a significant turning point in the development of Korean national identity.


I see. This really looks like an important period for the Korean people. I want to see what objects were made during that time¡¦.

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